burrr ....
(too old to reply)
Jim D
2019-01-30 15:58:38 UTC
It's minus 3 Fahrenheit out ( that's -19 C for the metric crowd )

wow, cold. Nice clear day, lots of wind. Dry, snow blowing. I had
a yearly eye exam this morning. Did that, all is fine. Waiting for my
eyes to undialate :-)

Solo gig this afternoon. Solo because it's too cold for band girl to be
out. She has a farther drive than to this particular place. Doesn't
want to be on the road in this cold.

Me, I don't care. To use similar thinking as the Kenyan, I have a "
phone and gloves ". If the van breaks down I'll call road service.
Shouldn't be a problem.

2019-01-30 21:39:18 UTC
Post by Jim D
It's minus 3 Fahrenheit out ( that's -19 C for the metric crowd )
Near Chicago, we've already had -21 F (-29.4 C) last night and are being
forecast -24 F (-31.1 C) for tonight, then an enormous warm up with
temperatures up to 48 F (8.9 C) by Monday.
Post by Jim D
wow, cold. Nice clear day, lots of wind. Dry, snow blowing. I had a
yearly eye exam this morning. Did that, all is fine. Waiting for my eyes
to undialate :-)
The cold here is literally life threatening - planning on staying inside
until this Horror passes.
Post by Jim D
Solo gig this afternoon. Solo because it's too cold for band girl to be
out. She has a farther drive than to this particular place. Doesn't want
to be on the road in this cold.
I can sure dig that.
Post by Jim D
Me, I don't care. To use similar thinking as the Kenyan, I have a "
phone and gloves ". If the van breaks down I'll call road service.
Shouldn't be a problem.

Kenyans aren't currently in the habit of feeling the effects of this ice

Jim D
2019-01-31 16:56:59 UTC
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
It's minus 3 Fahrenheit out ( that's -19 C for the metric crowd )
Near Chicago, we've already had -21 F (-29.4 C) last night and are
being forecast -24 F (-31.1 C) for tonight, then an enormous warm up
with temperatures up to 48 F (8.9 C) by Monday.
Tell me about it. My wife is from Kankakee. I've been in many a
snow storm around there :-)
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
wow, cold. Nice clear day, lots of wind. Dry, snow blowing. I had
a yearly eye exam this morning. Did that, all is fine. Waiting for my
eyes to undialate :-)
The cold here is literally life threatening - planning on staying
inside until this Horror passes.
oddnees .... band girl bailed on yesterdays duo gig. That's fine, she
had heart surgery three years ago and still has problems out in the
cold. So I did it solo. Gig got moved from a free standing community
center building to the central dining / social area of a retirement
home across the street. Didn't want the seniors out in the cold.
Then, about 15 minutes before it would have been over, they came up to
me, said wrap it up, said an ambulance was on the way, need everyone
out before it gets there. So, yeah, " thanks everybody, see you again
in a few weeks ". They didn't tell me why the ambulance, but hey,
watch me clear out. When I was going in someone parked a golf cart on
the main entrance area, so my little gear carrying cart couldn't get
by. I wheeled it up over some ornamental gardening area, rather than
try to track down the driver. So, whatever the emergency was, I was

Once, many years ago someone had a heart attack at one of our shows.
Lady right in the front rows. We didn't get out of there quick enough,
the ambulance blocks the doors we needed, and we had to sit the whole
affair out until they left. Learned from that, if warned, pack it up
and head for the cars.

By the time I could pack up and get things in my car, yep, emt vehicles
all over the lot. Quick response, then s-l-o-w .. .so guess is, well,
you know, after some point there's no hurry.

I don't mean any disrespect. Just pointing out that these things happen
if you start working the seniors gigs.


No gig today, so I won't be going out.

unless .....

ok, totally unrelated ...

My brother and I bought a pallet of bottled ice tea. We were supposed
to pick it up last evening. Told us it's more than one pickup truck can
carry, so bring several or make multiple trips. Cool. I don't know how
much that actually is, it's in bottles, was some Amazon overstock or
return deal or something. Friend of my brothers owns one of those
companies that disposes of bent and dent or just past the " sell by "
date merchandice, several " factory outlet " stores. A pallet ? I'm
thinking my half is somewhere between 600 and 800 bottles.
Hahhhhhaaahaha. It'll take me a year to drink that :-) But, now with
the cold, where's our stuff ? Is it in some semi trailer parked
somewhere ? Those drink will freeze and shatter, won't they ?
Shipment was supposed to be in the warehouse as of last night, but it
was closed due to cold.

Aaaaaaarghhhhh ...... on the good side, I haven't handed over any $$$
yet, so if the shipment is lost somehow, oh well.
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
Solo gig this afternoon. Solo because it's too cold for band girl to be
out. She has a farther drive than to this particular place. Doesn't
want to be on the road in this cold.
I can sure dig that.
As I said, the gig ended short. It was cold out, but so what. I had a
yearly eye exam earlier in the day, so was up and the van was well
warmed before I headed of to sing for the seniors.
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
Me, I don't care. To use similar thinking as the Kenyan, I have a "
phone and gloves ". If the van breaks down I'll call road service.
Shouldn't be a problem.
Kenyans aren't currently in the habit of feeling the effects of this ice age!
If you have to explain a joke, it pretty much didn't work, right ???

I was pointing out that I'd just call AAA for road service. Now that
everyone carries a cell phone, breaking down isn't as awful as it was
in the past.

Reference to the Kenyan was ..... Obama once commented that if the
Congress wouldn't pass legislation to do what he wanted, he would rule
( would go around the Congress ) by using his " phone and a pen ".
And he did just that more than once.

So modifying that, I implied I could get by in a road emergency with "
a phone and some gloves ".

2019-02-04 19:21:07 UTC
Tell me about it. My wife is from Kankakee. I've been in many a snow
storm around there :-)
I'd like to move to where winter is only a word ;)
oddnees .... band girl bailed on yesterdays duo gig. That's fine, she had
heart surgery three years ago and still has problems out in the cold. So
I did it solo. Gig got moved from a free standing community center
building to the central dining / social area of a retirement home across
the street. Didn't want the seniors out in the cold.
It's no good for the juniors, sophomores, or freshmen either ;)
Then, about 15 minutes before it would have been over, they came up to me,
said wrap it up, said an ambulance was on the way, need everyone out
before it gets there.
What's an ambulance got to do with it?
So, yeah, " thanks everybody, see you again in a few weeks ". They
didn't tell me why the ambulance, but hey, watch me clear out. When I was
going in someone parked a golf cart on the main entrance area, so my
little gear carrying cart couldn't get by. I wheeled it up over some
ornamental gardening area, rather than try to track down the driver. So,
whatever the emergency was, I was scootin'.
They call anything an 'emergency', and most of it isn't.
Once, many years ago someone had a heart attack at one of our shows.
That's not very encouraging to say the least.
Lady right in the front rows. We didn't get out of there quick enough,
the ambulance blocks the doors we needed, and we had to sit the whole
affair out until they left. Learned from that, if warned, pack it up and
head for the cars.
If the emergency was real, they shouldn't have been there very long - just
load up and zoom to the hospital.
By the time I could pack up and get things in my car, yep, emt vehicles
all over the lot. Quick response, then s-l-o-w .. .so guess is, well, you
know, after some point there's no hurry.
An 'emergency' convention? Maybe it was contagious ;)
I don't mean any disrespect. Just pointing out that these things happen if
you start working the seniors gigs.
Kind of makes me tend to lose interest in those kinds of gigs.

No gig today, so I won't be going out.
unless .....
ok, totally unrelated ...
My brother and I bought a pallet of bottled ice tea. We were supposed to
pick it up last evening. Told us it's more than one pickup truck can
carry, so bring several or make multiple trips. Cool. I don't know how
much that actually is, it's in bottles, was some Amazon overstock or
return deal or something. Friend of my brothers owns one of those
companies that disposes of bent and dent or just past the " sell by " date
merchandice, several " factory outlet " stores. A pallet ? I'm thinking
my half is somewhere between 600 and 800 bottles. Hahhhhhaaahaha. It'll
take me a year to drink that :-) But, now with the cold, where's our
stuff ? Is it in some semi trailer parked somewhere ? Those drink will
freeze and shatter, won't they ? Shipment was supposed to be in the
warehouse as of last night, but it was closed due to cold.
Iced tea is my favorite beverage, if It's good - so what kind did you have
an entire pallet of?

Aaaaaaarghhhhh ...... on the good side, I haven't handed over any $$$
yet, so if the shipment is lost somehow, oh well.
As I said, the gig ended short. It was cold out, but so what. I had a
yearly eye exam earlier in the day, so was up and the van was well warmed
before I headed of to sing for the seniors.
But if it's extremely cold, after the gig, it won't be so warm ;)
If you have to explain a joke, it pretty much didn't work, right ???
I don't know - the bitter cold seems to have frozen my sense of humor too ;)
I was pointing out that I'd just call AAA for road service. Now that
everyone carries a cell phone, breaking down isn't as awful as it was in
the past.
That's true enough, but the cold is still miserable.
Reference to the Kenyan was ..... Obama once commented that if the
Congress wouldn't pass legislation to do what he wanted, he would rule (
would go around the Congress ) by using his " phone and a pen ". And he
did just that more than once.
As in his 'Executive' ODORS?
So modifying that, I implied I could get by in a road emergency with " a
phone and some gloves ".

No, that Sleazy ploy is only for Scumbags!

Jim D
2019-02-05 05:41:59 UTC
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
Tell me about it. My wife is from Kankakee. I've been in many a
snow storm around there :-)
I'd like to move to where winter is only a word ;)
I like the snow. Don't like traveling in it, but hey, that's life.
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
oddnees .... band girl bailed on yesterdays duo gig. That's fine, she
had heart surgery three years ago and still has problems out in the
cold. So I did it solo. Gig got moved from a free standing community
center building to the central dining / social area of a retirement
home across the street. Didn't want the seniors out in the cold.
It's no good for the juniors, sophomores, or freshmen either ;)
Post by Jim D
Then, about 15 minutes before it would have been over, they came up to
me, said wrap it up, said an ambulance was on the way, need everyone
out before it gets there.
What's an ambulance got to do with it?
see below
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
So, yeah, " thanks everybody, see you again in a few weeks ". They
didn't tell me why the ambulance, but hey, watch me clear out. When I
was going in someone parked a golf cart on the main entrance area, so
my little gear carrying cart couldn't get by. I wheeled it up over
some ornamental gardening area, rather than try to track down the
driver. So, whatever the emergency was, I was scootin'.
They call anything an 'emergency', and most of it isn't.
it was, sorta.
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
Once, many years ago someone had a heart attack at one of our shows.
That's not very encouraging to say the least.
Post by Jim D
Lady right in the front rows. We didn't get out of there quick enough,
the ambulance blocks the doors we needed, and we had to sit the whole
affair out until they left. Learned from that, if warned, pack it up
and head for the cars.
If the emergency was real, they shouldn't have been there very long -
just load up and zoom to the hospital.
I don't remember how long that event was ... but they took quite a
while to clear the driveway.
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
By the time I could pack up and get things in my car, yep, emt vehicles
all over the lot. Quick response, then s-l-o-w .. .so guess is, well,
you know, after some point there's no hurry.
An 'emergency' convention? Maybe it was contagious ;)
I suspect someone died at the facility, a retirement villa. Sad faces
on the emergency response people I saw. And they weren't in any hurry
as I saw them leaving. Didn't see anyone being taken out. They wanted
me to wrap up, so that people wouldn't be in the main areas when the
EMT's arrived.
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
I don't mean any disrespect. Just pointing out that these things happen
if you start working the seniors gigs.
Kind of makes me tend to lose interest in those kinds of gigs.
It bothered me some. I know people pass, we see that a lot working
the seniors gigs. One month they're there, next one they aren't.

A friend of mine died two weeks ago. He and his wife nearly always came
to our band gigs when we played in town. Last dance, he wasn't there.
Wife found him dead in his chair the day before. I'll miss him. He was
always giving me a good tease about something or other.
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
No gig today, so I won't be going out.
unless .....
ok, totally unrelated ...
My brother and I bought a pallet of bottled ice tea. We were supposed
to pick it up last evening. Told us it's more than one pickup truck can
carry, so bring several or make multiple trips. Cool. I don't know how
much that actually is, it's in bottles, was some Amazon overstock or
return deal or something. Friend of my brothers owns one of those
companies that disposes of bent and dent or just past the " sell by "
date merchandice, several " factory outlet " stores. A pallet ? I'm
thinking my half is somewhere between 600 and 800 bottles.
Hahhhhhaaahaha. It'll take me a year to drink that :-) But, now with
the cold, where's our stuff ? Is it in some semi trailer parked
somewhere ? Those drink will freeze and shatter, won't they ?
Shipment was supposed to be in the warehouse as of last night, but it
was closed due to cold.
Iced tea is my favorite beverage, if It's good - so what kind did you
have an entire pallet of?
Blue Budda. Various organic all natural flavors. I ended up with 36
cases of 12 bottles each. Ha.
Post by Ouisie
Aaaaaaarghhhhh ...... on the good side, I haven't handed over any $$$
yet, so if the shipment is lost somehow, oh well.
Post by Jim D
As I said, the gig ended short. It was cold out, but so what. I had a
yearly eye exam earlier in the day, so was up and the van was well
warmed before I headed of to sing for the seniors.
But if it's extremely cold, after the gig, it won't be so warm ;)
Heated leather seats ..... :-)
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
If you have to explain a joke, it pretty much didn't work, right ???
I don't know - the bitter cold seems to have frozen my sense of humor too ;)
you should be recovering that soon. It was 60 here today. Snow is
melting, yard is a muddy mess. I love Ohio.
Post by Ouisie
Post by Jim D
I was pointing out that I'd just call AAA for road service. Now that
everyone carries a cell phone, breaking down isn't as awful as it was
in the past.
That's true enough, but the cold is still miserable.
Post by Jim D
Reference to the Kenyan was ..... Obama once commented that if the
Congress wouldn't pass legislation to do what he wanted, he would rule
( would go around the Congress ) by using his " phone and a pen ".
And he did just that more than once.
As in his 'Executive' ODORS?
Post by Jim D
So modifying that, I implied I could get by in a road emergency with "
a phone and some gloves ".
No, that Sleazy ploy is only for Scumbags!
I still think he's kenyan, put in place by the globalists.

2019-02-05 14:11:01 UTC
Post by Jim D
I like the snow. Don't like traveling in it, but hey, that's life.
The Norman Rockwell pictures on Christmas cards show pleasant portrayals of
lots of snow - because insane long distance commuting wasn't done back then
and there was Provisioning going on so that no one had to go anywhere. They
could stay home and enjoy several feet of snow in some cases, because they
were well stocked with everything they'd need for the winter and could enjoy
playing in the snow instead of working with it!
Post by Jim D
I don't remember how long that event was ... but they took quite a while
to clear the driveway.
They always try to make a big silly production of anything - maybe they
believe that'll make them seem more important or something, but I find them
a Rude Nuisance!
Post by Jim D
I suspect someone died at the facility, a retirement villa. Sad faces on
the emergency response people I saw. And they weren't in any hurry as I
saw them leaving. Didn't see anyone being taken out. They wanted me to
wrap up, so that people wouldn't be in the main areas when the EMT's
They should practice functioning in a functioning world.
Post by Jim D
It bothered me some. I know people pass, we see that a lot working the
seniors gigs. One month they're there, next one they aren't.
Yeah, it's depressing.
Post by Jim D
A friend of mine died two weeks ago. He and his wife nearly always came to
our band gigs when we played in town. Last dance, he wasn't there. Wife
found him dead in his chair the day before. I'll miss him. He was always
giving me a good tease about something or other.
That Unholy trinity, Satan Adam, Satan Eve, and Satan Lucifer, really Messed
everything up with their Stupidity!
Post by Jim D
Blue Budda. Various organic all natural flavors. I ended up with 36
cases of 12 bottles each. Ha.
I've never heard of that brand.
Just looked it up, it's Blue Buddha, seems to be specialized tea like
'wellness' tea and such, and it's expensive.
Post by Jim D
you should be recovering that soon. It was 60 here today. Snow is
melting, yard is a muddy mess. I love Ohio.
I've been to a few spots in Ohio, seemed nice enough, only problem is it's
further east and gets cold.
Post by Jim D
I still think he's kenyan, put in place by the globalists.

In any case, it's been proven that he wasn't born in the USA so he didn't
qualify to be president - but then since when is our Constitution being
obeyed, after all, it's 'only' the Supreme Law of our Land!

