Post by OuisiePost by Jim DHer and I had a session yesterday. Spent some time LOOKING at the db
levels we work. I've just layed down the reality with her. I'm not
working at ****** stage levels ******** over about 90 db. Just ain't
happening. I'm not going to wear hear plugs so we can just play
louder ON STAGE.
90 dB is plenty. But all SPL figures are best stated in terms of
distance from the source i.e. 90 dB at 1 meter at 1 Watt. But that's
only for speaker parameters - for the important hearing protecting
purpose, all that's needed is the SPL and the distance from the source.
Post by Jim DThe FOH and the stage level are two separate things.
Or at least they should be ;)
Post by Jim DSo stop whinning about the FOH levels. No more asking " a friend " if
we're loud enough. I'm done with that.
Unless she can actually hear the FOH system from the perspective of the
audience, what possible basis can she have for evaluating its level in
the first place?
Post by Jim DIt occurs to me, she simply can't wrap her mind around the the stage
level and the FOH level being different.
Because she doesn't want to.
That's it, but why?
Post by Jim DShe did make reference at one point that her own voice was drowning out
the music. Huh. Well, how about you back off a little on the vocal
level ? That's the stickler. She's worked with loud bar bands so
long, so much, that she's stuck in a singing style of VERY LOUD.
There's not easing off, at least so far. Oh she, can, I've seen her do
it, but she doesn't want to.
Again, that phrase, because she doesn't want to.
Practicing the new technique is what's needed there.
Post by Jim DOr, simply get the stage level down to where you don't need them.
THAT would be Ideal!!! I just HATE the notion of playing under some
kind of Handicap, where 'work-arounds' and other compensating and
mitigating techniques are used...particularly if they wouldn't even be
necessary if things were done RIGHT in the first place!!!
Post by Jim DThere's no reason musicians can't play at tolerable stage levels.
None at all. It just takes the right ATTITUDE!
Post by Jim DTurn the stuff down and mic things for the FOH sound. They just don't want to.
Whatever makes it sound BEST - THAT *should* be the attitude!
Post by Jim DWe talked about that. I'm ok with her using a wedge IF she keeps it
pointed at her head.
That's always been how I prefer to use monitors - point them right at
*my* ears, and keep them close enough to where only minimal power is
needed for them to be effective...which is why I like the small ones
and really have no use for the monsters with the 15" speakers and more.
Post by Jim DNo angling it off to one side, cranking it up, and then complaing she
can't hear it. Point it directly at HER head, then adjust it to
whatever level she wants.
Besides, that's effectively making it part of the FOH system - even in
a similar power range, which is Silly.
Post by Jim DDon't point it off towards the back wall, or the drums, or ME .... then
insist on cranking it up because " I can't hear it ".
Monitors work best when they're Personal...the idea is NOT to share them!
Post by Jim DYes, imagine the rewards of actually supplying what the customer wants.
Any other way is counterproductive.
Post by Jim DShe cares because her bar and ex muso friends tell her we're not loud
enough for their low brow tastes. Obviously she shares their
preference for loud music.
Now all they have to do is learn to use an SPL meter. Then they can
actually Know the levels before deciding ;)
Post by Jim DGot a newly fried JBL apart on my bench right now thanks to " I can't
hear it " thinking.
I wouldn't fry equipment for anyone - neither they nor their Stupid
comments are worth it!!!
Post by Jim DI told her I'd try and fix it, or she can throw it away. Haven't
looked at it in about two weeks, just because of other more pressing
issues. Eventually I guess we'll get it going again. Not a biggie, she
has another of these she can toast on her path to learning how monitors
That's not learning, only ruining gear ;)
You'd have a better chance with 6th graders, because they'd at least be
up for learning ;)
Post by Jim DShe'll learn to back of the volume, or she won't.
It's easy enough, just turn counterclockwise rather than clockwise ;)
Post by Jim DWhat's bizarre is I have several musician friends who think just like
her, loud or nothing.
At that's probably all that's left of there hearing - Nothing...from
being too loud for too long!
But why be so loud, and Stupid alone? So they try to get other FOOLS
to repeat history - nothing new under the sun.
Post by Jim DOf course, none of them are currently in working bands.
Maybe they can't even hear what they play anymore.
Post by Jim DLots of talk about putting something together, bla bla. They might.
Then they'll play a handfull of gigs, be crazy loud as before, lose all
the repeat bookings, and be back where they are now, talking about
putting a band together.
Or they'll play so badly, because they can't hear, that every new gig
will be their last. I know of a band like that. No one but drunks, and
maybe even deaf ones at that, will tolerate them. It's truly Tragic,
but then Stupidity always is!
Post by Jim DShe knows that.
So then she therefore also knows that the proverbial ball is in her
court and that it's her move.
Post by Jim DWe can lose any of our jobs at any time. Go in, screw up bad enough,
and it's over, contracts or not.
I'd think so. I recall even hearing about a big name band that made
such a train wreck of a concert that they weren't even paid for it, and
when they tried to take their employer to court to try to collect,
after the evidence was presented, the court sided with the employer
finding them not liable for payment ;)
Post by Jim DManagement is complaining. As are some of the audience.
So they find it too loud too?
Post by Jim DWanna see something amazing ? Tell a musician or a chick singer they
are too loud. Then, just stand back and watch the reaction.
They probably wouldn't understand what that means ;)
Post by Jim DThat's what she's going thru now. It would be major entertainment if it
wasn't such a serious thing.
I've found that such situations are far too Disgusting to be funny.
Kind of reminds me of some of the accounts of the details regarding
plane crashes - if it weren't for the tragedy, it might even be funny,
in a Silly, Stupid way.
Post by Jim DWell ..... yesterday didn't go too bad. We don't play this weekend.
I have some solo gigs next week, then the band is back at it on the
weekend. We have two more gigs on this years deal at the SD. If we get
thru those without getting fired, then who knows. It's all up to her
maturity level. Can she work as an adult, or will her stubborn child
inside blow it up ?
Depends on what kind of child ;)
An episode, specifically "The Bellero shield" of one of my all time
favorite programs, "The Outer Limits", mentioned that courage, such as
to boldly explore and experiment, are reserved "for very small children
and very dedicated scientists". That's my attitude - both of those, and
it results in a certain level of maturity to preserve it without
becoming overcome with panic. If she were to adopt THAT kind of
maturity, it would no doubt bear some awesome results!
this trio up. That's ok with me. I told her point blank, face to face
last week that this is her problem, of her making. If she wants to blow
her head.
Only time will tell if that sunk in.
We can't work the better places and do it like we're in some low end biker bar.